Sunday, May 25, 2008

Preferences Window and Independent Features

Last year I was a student that development Interface Editor. It's not implemented on Umit but I hope that in the next two months my project and others like umitMapper and NetworkInventory will be there.

This week began officially Google Summer Code 2008.

So what's come from me this Summer?

I don't know if all of you know but Umit is a (powerful and it'll become more, I hope) interface of Nmap. Nmap is a port scanner. So work on Umit is help nmap users, we're working for the nmap interface remmember? Goal of Umit is create a usability, portable and nice front-end scanner. All network admin should be able to have the most and filtered information that they need, using Umit.

What's matter?
- Preferences Window
- Interface Editor (bug fixing and some improvements)
- Independent Features

Preferences Window:
- Well today all applications have Preferences encapsulated on a box. Umit not have this yet. It's my main goal build a box that contents all configuration of Umit (only the configs that make sense).
- Proxy config (may be include a study around proxychains)
- Fonts configuration
- Expose of Windows (It's adding new features to InterfaceEditor)
- Diff color configuration
- Tabs (able to Open in different window )
- Configuration files directories
- Auto-save scans option
- Add more features that I don't list yet. (...)
Requirement: Consult frequently HIG.

Interface Editor: During and after integration I'll make bug fixing and improvements on it.

Indepedent Featuatures:
- MacPorts - portfile
- Ubuntu/Debian package ( Umit comes to Ubuntu/Debian )
- RPM package ( Fedora package )
- Script to build automatic Ubuntu and Fedora Packages
- Some improvements on Umit after and during Integration
- Update and create useful Profiles and may be some integration with NSE scripts (Parser NSE was make by Max last GSoC)
- Write decent documentation
- Create a easy way to user can have more help (Something like Umit Assistant)
- Work in what have major priority

If you have some ideas, features that you think that is nice bet for Umit let me know, please.

Project Page:


Good luck for all.
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