Thursday, April 12, 2007

The GSoC 2007 selected students!

Hi Folks!

So, it came the time to announce the students that are going to participate at this GSoC. Sorry for taking too long to release the results, but I was trying to get some more slots to have as more of you guys working this year in this open source dream. Unfortunately, I can't accept everyone. I must confess that it was really hard to come out with the list of the selected students, because you guys are really talented.

First, I would like to thank everyone for the interest on Umit and for having applied a proposal to the Umit Project this year. Just the fact of knowing that such talented folks like you are interested on Umit is very gratifying, and stimulates me to keep working to provide a better tool for the whole open source community.

I would like to thank Google for this great opportunity which they're giving to the open source community, and recognize that Umit came to life because of the opportunity I had with GSoC 2005. Also, I have a special thank to Fyodor, who believed in my capabilities and mentored me during GSoC 2005 and 2006.

Everyone who applied to GSoC this year is already a winner. Having a good idea and making a good proposal to sell it is hard and takes time. Just the fact of giving this first step is more meaningful than been successful in your idea, because your success relies on your initiative (that first step you gave sending your proposal...).

Without initiative, ideas are nothing but lost musings. So, if were not selected this year, keep your chin up, and go ahead my friends, this is not the end of the road yet. Those who are still interested on working with us at Umit regardless of been selected this year are *VERY* welcome, and I'll be glad to register your name and e-mail at the Umit's hall of fame (The project credits! :-D). Also, working with us will give you a huge advantage over oter students next year, you're going to learn a lot and still boost your resume.

Now, I'm honored to present you the selected students for this GSoC:

1 - Rodolfo da Silva Carvalho (UmitWeb) - UmitWeb is going to be web interface for Umit, with which everyone will be able to use Umit remotely. Have you ever thought about schedulling a scan remotely, and having the result at your inbox later? Rodolfo will make it real for you. Rodolfo is studying english at Wizard School, and he owns the degree of Bachelor on Information Systems. He knows Umit since the very beginning, and also made some sketches of the UmitWeb last year.

2 - Frederico Silva Ribeiro (Independent features) - There are loads of bug hunting, new features and usability improvements to be made this Summer, and Frederico is the one responsible for that. If you have any bug to report, do it now, and he will get rid of them. I'll be helping him on this during this Summer. Frederico is a student from UNIVERSO (Salgado de Oliveira University) in the major Internet and Computer Networks.

3 - João Paulo de Souza Medeiros (UmitMapper) - Have you ever thought about trying to grab your whole network with your hands? Well, maybe you'll be able to do that with your mouse with the project that João is going to implement for us this year. His idea is based on scientific propositions about graphs dispositions, and the goal is to make it as easy, smooth and usable as possible, so you can have a handy graph of your network where you can browse freely to investigate whatever you need with just a couple of clicks inside the Umit
interface. João is a student from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the major Computer Engineering.

4 - Guilherme Henrique Polo Gonçalves (Network Inventory and Scan Scheduler) - Watching what happens to your whole network everyday, and notice what has changed since the last look you gave is a hard task. Guilherme is going to make a tool to ease your task on that. A tool that is going to be your eyes in the network, and will point out to you what has changed in the network since the last verification in a easy and usable fashion. Hope this could help users to get home earlier! Guilherme is a student from the State University
of Maringá, in the major of Computer Science.

5 - Luis Antônio Bastião Silva (Profile/Wizard interface editor) - Did you once felt like editing the Profile or Wizard interface to put that brand new option that the brand new alpha version of Nmap is making available, but were confused with the XML files you would have to edit? Luis is going to make a easy to use interface editor to ease this task, so you'll be able to quickly add, remove or edit any option displayed on the Profile or Wizard windows. Luis is a student from Universidade de Aveiro in Engenharia Computadores e Telemática
(Computer Engineering and Telematics), in the major of Computer Science.

6 - Pavel Klemenkov (Nmap Wrapper) - Umit currently lacks on integration with the runtime interaction options that Nmap provide. Pavel is going to make a wrapper of the Nmap lib, so Umit will be able to run Nmap as if it was a python lib! And other persons will also be able to take advantage on that, creating python scripts to deal with nmap, and create their own solutions to problems that Umit don't solve yet. Pavel is a sudent from Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the major of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics.

7 - Maxim I. Gavrilov (NSE Facilitator and Independent Features) - Umit must follow this NSE era that is arriving. In order to keep pace with Nmap, Max is going to implement some tools to ease the task of using NSE from Umit interface. Also, he is going to help us on independent features. Max is a student from SPbSU ITMO (, in the major of Mathematical Modeling, pursuing a master degree.

The result will be officially published by Google soon, and the result can change a bit. But I don't believe it though.

I would also like to announce that I'll be creating three mailing lists for the Umit Project, as follows:
* Developers - Intended for developers and users interested on Umit development subjects, help, bugs discussion, suggest improvements, etc.
* Announce - Low traffic mailing list for all of you who wants to receive really hot and filtered updates from Umit.
* SoC - Private list for selected students communication. It will be used for sending status reports, sugestions, private subjects discussion and students interaction.

After this announcement, I'll be adding the selected students to the SoC list, and I'll send further instructions through it. I'll be also creating an IRC channel, so the whole community can participate on the project definition phase which will be the period from April 12th to May 27th.

Good luck to all of you!
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