Sunday, March 27, 2011

Umit Network Scanner 1.0 - Released

Hi folks,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Umit Network Scanner 1.0, featuring a lot of fixes and improvements.

If you're interested in the full change log, please take a look at our changelog page.

If you find any bug, please report it using our Trac, or using the bug report tool that comes with Umit, and that you can access in the main interface.


Download Windows
Download Tarball
Download Debian/Ubuntu

More tools, will be released soon.

Keep on track.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

GSoC 2011 - Guwahati, India

Hi folks,

Last friday (25 March 2011), Gunjan Bansal and Niteesh Kumar conduct a presentation in Guwahati, India about Google Summer of Code program and Umit Project. The students were mostly from "Computer Science and Engineering", "Electronics and Communication" and "Maths and Computing".

Checkout some pictures:

Checkout the presentation slides:


Title: Google Summer of Code 2011 and Umit Project organization

Presenters: Gunjan Bansal and Niteesh Kumar

Audience: Students in 1st,2nd,3rd yr Undergraduate Course (BTech)

Location: Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

Thanks to the presenters, you guys, are absolutely awesome.
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