Thursday, March 20, 2008

Video about Google Summer of Code

I have made a video explaining Summer of Code, how to participate and how to make a good proposal to increase the chances of being accepted this year.

Here is the english version:

This video is available in Spanish, Portuguese/Brasil and Portuguese/Portugal also!

Help us spread the word about GSoC! Send the videos to everyone you know that is capable of participating!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Umit is in!

Not it is official: !

Get ready folks, there is a lot to do this year! Get inspiration here and start writing your proposal. If you need help, try our IRC channel at freenode, or our mailing lists.

Hurry! Applications have to be submitted by 24th to 31th March! Hope to have you with us this year.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Google Summer of Code 2008

GSoC 2008 is on, and Umit is willing to apply and participate once again this year. We're calling every student able to code to apply for a project on Umit Project.

This year, we have a lot of work to do, and the ideas are here: Also, we've described at that page some selection critireas that we'll be using this year, and some tips to create a highly interesting proposal and increase student's chances of getting in this year.

I'm looking forward to have you working with us this year!
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